Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Hi All,
Wow, I just read about Bush finally admitting to having secret CIA prisons. What are we doing letting a man like this represent the USA. He says we (I say we because we are letting him do this) are using "tough interrogation techniques." To me this means torture. What else could it mean? I am open to any explanations. I know torture is illegal and if they are doing it in foreign countries and will not tell us what is being can only speculate. And based on their track record I can not believe a word they say.

When are we going to try something new? We have been trying for 1000's of years to crush people. And depending on what angle you are coming from it may have worked. If you think ruling people thru fear and intimidation is working. How about being truthful with people, treating them with respect, listening to them, try to approach them with love and peace in our hearts? If we truly have love and peace in our hearts and deal with people on that level they will see it and feel it. It can make a difference.

Change takes time; I have heard this from conservatives and liberals alike. To me war is trying to change things over night. The reason it seems like it take so long is because it does not work. It will never work. What do you think would have happened if 25 years ago Donald Rumsfeld went to Saddam and instead of giving him millions of dollars and technology for chemical and biological weapon and weapons of mass destruction, he went to him with a plan for peace with Iran. And around 18 months later instead of selling weapons to Iran to kill the Iraqis we where supplying with weapons, we went to them with a plan for peace and acceptance? I can't tell you there would be peace in the Middle East but I would bet things would look a lot different. And remember change take time. I am not saying we can't defend ourselves but I am saying we should get rid of this eye for an eye crap; this revenge crap. What am I supposed to tell the kids I work with? That if someone tries to beat you up, it is ok for you to beat them up? They get kicked out of school for that. But our "leaders" are doing it.

What we are allowing to go on is not working. Can we please try something else?



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